Thursday, January 27, 2011

a note utk en tunang ver 2

okey la... arituh pas dh post bru perasan yg saya tak cerite pun pasal catering..marah sgt pasal kedai cawan tuh terus lupa... so kali ni saya nk inform yg saya booked ikhlas catering for my wedding... kak hasni sgt baik hati, sgt boley bertolak ansur, sgt bagus in PR, sgt dia dtg umah utk food testing, mommy terus book... wahh best kn... thn ni dia start nk reka pelamin.. so for those yg nk jimat bley choose kak hasni ikhlas catering... they ol fames dengan arca buah.... nyum nyum.. one thing bagus bout kak hasni ni is dia klo x reti masak lauk tuh..dia ckp tak.. contoh nye sy mintak dia masak ayam masala... dia kate dia x reti msk..tkt ayam x sedap... then i mntk dia tukar dalca to acar rampai..dia ckp..dia pnh cube tapi x sdap... nnt x best plak... so..sangat jujur kn?
ni nak crite pasal note untuk en tunang sy... hummm... sy tak taw la nk ckp pe... tp check it out...

so ini la note yg en tunang sy dpt... kemain bangga dia ade secret admire... huh! xpe..pasni kete kacak kamu jd milik sy... so.... jgn hrp nk dpt XOXOXO dr budak bju putih lg... hehehe

love ya b =)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

catering n goodies

hellow u ols... yesterday sy cuti... cuti semata2 nk g nilai 3... coz org kate nilai 3 murah pada hari biase... entahla...cawan yg di aim..same je harga... jadi ia amat mengecewakan actually.. malah kakak yang layan saya tuh amat la kureng asam... om gosh.... i hate her a lot...
so... pagi2 tuh sy dh smpi kt depan kedai ni... Bagus setempat is the name... seriously tak bagus..pekerja sgt rude... xde muke senyum pun... sgt bongkak n even promosi pun sgt buduh...i was asking regarding this mug... rm1.50 each... expected will get cheaper like rm1.00 if i buy 1200 pcs... tp u ol nk tau ape dia nye pekerja ckp? " klo adik beli 1 hrg dia rm1.50, tp skrng ade promosi beli 6 rm9"... so i cakap la.. " memang la kak, satu 1.50, 6 mestilah rm9..semua org reti kire..bagi la murah lagi"... n u ol know ape kakak tuh ckp... kak tuh ckp dgn nada yg sgt rude " INI PROMOSI DIA! KLO ADIK AMEK SERIBU, TIGA RIBU, SEPULOH RIBU PUN NIE LA HARGA DIA!"... I WAS PIST OF! RS CM NK TUMBUK JE MUKE KAKAK TUH...
so before i tumbuk dia..i chow n i ckp kuat2... org bodoh pun reti kire rm1.50 klo beli 6 rm9..tuh bukan promosi! STUPID!"
so..i g deko kk..n i met this kakak ros..sgt baik k..n sgt polite..PR welldone! trus i amek dia... walo hrg rm1.50 i x mntk kurang pun..sbb tuh mmg budget i...
to u ol..sila jgn pegi kt kedai bagus tuh... pekerja dia sgt rude... semua rude... owh one more thng... my mommy tny la pasal paper beg utk letak mug i... 10 rm7.90... mommy tny la..x dpt ke lg nk beli byk..dia kate (kakak laen taw)... rm7.50 klo makcik amek 1000 pcs... klo makcik nk murah lagi... amek la yg fesyen lame tuh... rm3.50...dh xde sape nk pakai paper bag tuh..mak cik beli la... pastuh dia blah angkat kaki... kurang ajar kn?
jp2...i nk try attached gmbr kedai bagus tuh..kedai tuh sebaris ng vrstar n kk deco...
i believe ni gmbr lame... skrng kt atas dia atas sign board beso...n kedai dia kt tgh2 dh... later i upload gmbr i snap smlm! so..remember..dun beli dr kedai nie..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

wedding card... booked!

at last... my wedding card prob solve... all the worriness n 'pening'ness done! so my en tunang deco /edit /design the card himself...congrates! even x dpt hardcover card as promise by en tunang..but i like this card..simple yet elegance.. 3 fold card, 6' x 6', black n grey colour.. we order it at sekyen 7 behind KFC, beside borra restaurant, true love is the name. we did survey kad lestari n anggerik mall... OMG.. they are sooooo expensive there... simple poskad style pun rm0.80.. plaza alam central shah alam... damn expensive too.. i think it is their rental which caused them to be expensive... all above rm1.00... saya tak sempat g kanda dinda at puchong je..sebab dorang tutup on sunday... so.. g je kt true love ni...n berkenan ng 1 kad nie..then ubah2 sikit... then settle... abes crite... =) sebulan siap... hoorrraayy... ramai yg suggest g lh creative at pudu... i noe they r cheaper..klo kad kitorg mayb bley dpt 70sen or 65 sen...but... en tunang sy tak suke g tempat sesak n jam tempah semua kt shah alam..dia kate..untuk kesenangan saya jua... =) nway... it;s a great date... see u next month... miss u a lot..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

a note utk en tunang ku..

at least i can take a deep breath now..things slowly settle down... bit by bit everthing goes in place... thou this is not i want...but i know all i want is to get married with en tunang saya... =) lately ni i've been sooo busy...with everything need to settle... n lots of idea from other side which bother me a lot! so many things to do..yet i feel so short of time... eventhou i have 3 months to go.. 90 days should be enough to settle everything... people said..selagi x kawen..selagi tuh la ade je benda nk buat.. i guess their statement is true.. time n lot of things-to-do bother me a lot... i easily feel moody... n i notice that i alwez lepas all my moody things to you... i am sorry... i am really really sorry.. i never meant to do any of that.. i noe it upset you..but u never show... u just keep on making me feel relief n i alwez turn up to be quiet...n i noe u hate it when i just keep quite... owh..i feel worst! i noe i am soo stuborn, so fussy, so wants everything to-be-perfect, so kuat mrajuk n so on... seriously, i am sorry... i noe its my bad... owh..other thing is... i never request for all those expensive rings n pendants... i was just telling you that "i saw this ring cost 17k"..but i dun want it... we already promise to buy everything within our budget... so..lets stick with that.. okey b? thank you so much for your patient, thank you for your understanding n thank you for your never ending love... i am sooo lucky to have you in my life... anyway, i feel a bit sad to be far with you again...i hope i will get a job there soon right after our wedding so i can be there with you.. =) take care when you are there... dun noty2 kay...dun let other pompuan goda2 u kay? seems like i have to finish eveything by my own now... love ya alwez hubby... XOXOXOXO (jiwang mode dh) =)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

make up for my nikah

hurrrayyyy..akhirnye..i found the make up i wanna look like on my solemnization day... baju confirm pki jubah... make up..i nk sebijik cm dlm mag pengantin tuh..but i xtaw la seswai ke x..kos muke i x cerah..n xla flawless as the model..but i hope ala2 pun jd la... the make up is more natural heavy heavy eye shadow... eyelashes yg heavy... hehehe... soft pink lipstick... i really like it... face wt hal plak..i hate it... sabar2... urghhhhh!! utk majlis nikah..theme will be tiffany blue... rs cm cute je blue.. i never like blue..but tiffany blue.. it caught my jubah in tiffany blue.. tudung i igt nk ala2 blue jgk.. ke putih? tudung i wanna do turban style... i heart turban tudung...sgt cantek okey... perghh... i did try to ikat it x ckp pnjg selendang..any idea how long the kain needed? pening plak tetibe... i need to give my self a treat so i could get a nice fren introduce tidact...nk g cr kt farmasi la nnt... semuga semua berjalan lancar.. =)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

make up artist ku..

this is the best part! i've book my make up artist... ye la... for all this while i thought my en tunang will sponsor my dream baju at fidz collection... the package come with fiza zainuddin... so.. i x amek port la nk book MUA.... but then last minute decided to change the wedding dress... n it cause me to kelam kabut cari MUA.. luckily... i found lots of B2B blogs that recommend lots of MUA... so mengikut budget yg i ade... i choose lova... i dh book pun today... kak lova cm sgt busy je... i kene call her a lot of time n remind her my date... worry pun ade jgk..but doa je la eveything will goes fine... insyaAllah.. i planned to hire sue cantik...but..not enough budget la...but okey la..i tgk lova make up pn sgt orait... let see the last result cmne..k? hopefully okey la... MUA is my main concern...i have a very sensitive skin... not all make up can suit my my skin condition is not so good... so.. hopefully she can doll me up..make over me... i wanna look great! =)

barang hantaran

Alhamdulillah..barang hantaran semua dh siap beli..en tunang je blum abes beli... agak cerewet orang nye... kekekekeke... i pule mmg la cerewet kn... name pun pompuan... takkan la pompuan jenis x kesah la... so... barang2 hantaran untuk i semua dh settle... well...some people still wants to keep it tradition... meaning buy the hantaran for women and vise versa... but for us..barang u beli la sendiri... u nk hrg 1000 pun... tuh duet u... x kesah...mcm tuh la... thats y en tunang x kesah sy beli ape skali pun... tp yg penting ikut bajet.. jangan kerana nk tunjuk brg kite branded abes x mkn 3 bln..gj abes byr credit card... pun gune credit card..but limit la... x semua beli gune magic card..(^__^). anyway.. skrng dh stop gune crdt card...'s time to settle your credit...chaiyok!!! owh..back to the topic... brg hntrn kami 11 balas 13.. byk kn..even my future-to be- sister in law pun terkejut.. but then mother in law kate..bior la..nk bg smpi berpuloh2 pun bior la... hehehehehe... so.. we r so happy... =) lega nye barang hantaran dh settle... more things to do... less than 4 months to go... =) chaiyok!! gambatte!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

things that has not yet settle

1. catering.. xtaw la mommy nie... 2. goodies... saya xtaw nak bg ape.. 3. kad kahwin...OMG..kate nak tempah kt bandung..ntah ye ntah tidak en tunang nie.. kang tempah kt plaza alam sentral je kang... 4. make up artist... who should i choose nie... sue cantek ke liza ass saidatulnisa... adoi... compuse abes nie.. ni la antara bende penting yg amat merisaukan saya... huhuhuhu

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

wedding dress and shoes..

so...i've booked my wedding dress with chantek boutique... memang cantek boutique dorg... kak siti tuh pun amat la best... ala2 mcm i...suke bercakap je..tuh yg jth hati terus... tp the best thing is... they are making a new wedding dress..ala2 umi aida yg i nk tuh... with rent price of 1k... murah la kn..selame ni i g..klo baju bru je..mesti 1.5k up to 3.5k... rent je..bukan beli... tp klo beli..x dpt la 3.5k... semua up to 5k... ni yg i dh survey la.. hatta dolmat yg wt baju elyana tuh.. minimum price 5k... pergh..klo la i kaya... mst i dh tempah dh... berangan la cik im...
so...malam berinai i akan pakai warna maroon... songket baru jugak =) sanding i pakai warna off white silver... suci skit kn... even my early plan is to wear red.. but akak siti tuh ckp...they r not sure of kate... putih pun cantek jgk... the problem is this...
i okey je baju wrn puteh...but... my fav colour is red... so.. i was thinking of puting some sense of red into my wedding dress... i mean.. my wedding shoe... klo warna merah.. memang semua org nampak warna shoe i yg g;ampur tuh la kn.. so cmne... boley x saya nk pakai kasut merah... macam fantastic!!! i love red alot.. a lot n alot... red is hot!! okey la... here some sample of the shoe.. as usual..gambar curi dr MOM...
as they are the official photographer for umie aida.. n me.. hahahaha... later story pasal MOM plak..i love umie;s shoe...
so..this is the shoes i'm looking for... peep toe... sexy! muacks!

fesyen tudung

as baju dh settle..i rs sgt la relief... but then... tudung... tudung nikah ape i nk pakai nie..baju nikah beli tudung pun beli siap..lucky who tempah..coz bley tempah for tudung sekali..but me... i pening la.. i dun like the tudung with auning (cmni kah eja)... my face nampak cm buah kelapa dh...bulat abes... lg pun en tunang kate..tudung tuh membuatkn saya kelihatan seperti bibik... adush la... skrng nie mcm trend tudung syria tuh kn..ala2 melekap kt kepala... i found this tudung at website seindah wajah... mcm cantek je.. berkenan abes i... ala2 tudung kuar magazine pengatin kuaran jan 2011... santek.. i like... but tuh la... kt ne ade jual tudung cmni...

cantek kn? ke sebab model tuh dh pakai ape pun cantek? pening gk la... harap2 tudung yg boutique tuh wt best la.. tp kak siti tuh sangat comment is welcome... so..klo x berkenan ng tudung tuh bley la ngomel2 kn... share idea.. sharing kn caring... =)

any idea for my tudung during the solemnization? tudung shawl mayb? or... tudung syria ni pun comel kn? pening la..kene start berjalan2 mencari tudung... tp... baju nikah pun x beli lg..nk beli tudung amende nye...adoila...