Sunday, April 3, 2011

best of luck!

this time entry tiade kaitan dgn weddings.... this is for a gudfriend of mine... well.... early morning ni sampai opis as usual la lambat 15 minit... but ade parking kosong belah kete nurul.. excited at first sebab dh lame x dapat parking row depan... but then teringat balik... "owh..nurlina x parking sni"...well actually she had resign... huwaaaa...cedey nye... today obviously boring... sunyi sepi opis.. klo x mesti dh jalan2 borak2 beli bekpes... hahah.. sepanjang kenal nurlina ni..dia::::: 1. happy je... walo keen buli kaw2... dia gelak je... sorry beb... 2. pagi2 mesti ckp... uuuuu..lapo x? jom bekpes... 3. u masak air lebih...nk teh... 4. nk lunch ape eh 5. jom kite diet 6. uuu tolong repair air kopi i... (seyes korg.... air kopi dia hampeh... x rs kopi..baik mnm air masak)... kakakakaka...sorry lina...jgn amek hati.. 7. suke keje unpaid OT.... i hanya teman dia unpaid OT on wednesday... tp main game nye lebey...wt keje nye 10% je... dinner lagi... g guardian lg... mmg x keje la sbnrnye... hahaha 8. ske main game at national geographic.... yes....i pun ske main game tuh dh...semua salah dia 9. banyak scandal yg direka cipta oleh mr. edward or me... hahahaha..klo nk list kn... 4 pages pun x cukup...setiap site ade scandal..ade je org yg jatuh hati ng nurlina nie...kekadang satu site sampai 4 org... hebat giler! 10. HMMMM...suke share food together.... skarang dh xde org nk share ng i... sob sob.... cedey nye... seyes rase kehilangan.... tinggal la i ng nurul kt opis ni yg masih berotak kanak2.... nway u..thanks for the friendship... friendship for ever (ala2 budak skolah nye ayat kn)... keep in alwez n best of luck in your future undertkings... =) cepat kahwin ng ri**l**n..... ke ro**a*... kekekekeke.... byk lis scandal..tutup mata pilih je....pilih la yg kaya.,nanti birthday i..i nk beg prada n one set of brush make up of channel.... huhuhuhu... thanks u..u memang baik hati =) gonna miss ya gal! datang la on my wedding day yeh...pakai corsage yg i wt tuh


  1. heee.... tq u... part coffee tu mmg i sgt2 fail.. i will surely attend ur wedding t..

    p/s:: luv this entry..

  2. anyway i missed one thing..... u takut lintas jalan =)

  3. cis!! tp nasib area opis ni xde keta sgt.. so i selamat!!
